Saturday, September 13, 2008

Google Reader in the Classroom

As a first grade teacher, the thought of using Google Reader with my students was difficult to figure out at first. Not many children sites publish daily news and information that students that are six and seven can easily digest. I did find however that I could use Google Reader to find lesson ideas that I could use with my students! Many websites dedicated to sharing lessons can be added to Google Reader. For example, I receive lesson ideas from the Teaching Pre K-8 website almost every day through Google Reader. The great part of this is that Google Reader will also make recommendations for similar websites based on your subscribed sites. This is a great way to have the best content delivered to you instead of the completing an endless search!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Handwriting Key to Learning | Newsweek Education |

Above is a link to a fascinating article on handwriting and learning.
Previously I posted a link to an article on handwriting that had me
questioning the value of handwriting skills in our new digital age. By
the way, if you did not get a chance to read the comment left over,
please take a look. It is a personal response that truly touches the
heart of the issue and opens avenues for greater discussion and

The article above from Newsweek argues that handwriting is an
important part of the learning process. What do you think. In my first
grade classroom we cover the process of writing but I do not heavily
cover the handwriting "talent" of each child. I am constantly pushing
and trying to get better stories from my students. Have I been missing
the key all along?

Maurice Draggon

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Technology and the death of handwriting

BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Technology and the death of handwriting

The BBC has a fascinating article on technology and handwriting. As students use text messaging and other technology tools their handwriting often suffers and they struggle to express themselves in written form. Is this just a "sign of the times" or are kids really missing out on an important skill?

I wonder about this issue of handwriting often. Is this just like when people moved from pictorial representations on caves to writing on scrolls? I am sure there were some who thought we would loose the ability to express ourselves through art and storytelling. We have seen a return to this type storytelling with digital storytelling somewhat however.

Is handwriting a critical 21st century skill?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Google Calendar Sync: Getting Started

Google Calendar Sync: Getting Started

I just saw on that Google has released a free product to sync your outlook calendar with your web calendar. This tool was sorely needed! I have tool for the Mac that I use and I  had to pay for it. This sync software is currently only for the PC but it is definitely a step in the right direction!
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Re: First look: new and improved Zoho with (some) OOXML support

This document has been imported into Google Docs on your behalf:
Just FYI,
The Google Docs Team

First look: new and improved Zoho with (some) OOXML support

Zoho docs is a worthy competitor to Google Docs. Zoho has more editing
features and an interface that is close to Word 2003 than any other
web application I have seen so far. My main concern with Zoho is that
it is not " one stop shopping" like Google Docs where all the other
services you use are quickly available. If you want to try online
document editing however and Google Docs just does not seem to do
enough you should give Zoho a try!

Maurice Draggon

Monday, February 25, 2008

Pranksters invade Starbucks with desktop computers - Engadget

Pranksters invade Starbucks with desktop computers - Engadget

What does this have to do with teaching with educational technology? Think about this video the time you only use technology that was available to when you were in school to equip your students with the knowledge they need to enter into the real world. They may look a lot like the people in this video! Knowledge is important. The way we impart knowledge and the way students learn are changing. Catch up!

I needed a good reason to post this hilarious video! ;-)