Friday, January 25, 2008

FETC Google Tools Session

It was great to see all of the educators who attended our presentation
at the Florida Educators Technology Conference! The group was very
interactive! We have much more to share than what we were able to
mention at the conference and will be updating this blog to share the
information. Check back often!


Bob said...

I found your session at 2008 FECT to be very informative. Thanks for all the great links.

Maurice Draggon said...

I am glad to here that you enjoyed the presentation! If there is any tutorials or guides that you would like us to make let me know! I would love to help any way I can!

ccuppett said...

Hi Maurice,
I was at your session as well and I'd like the information for you google book.
Also, I'd love it if you'd send some of your tutorials and guides my way.

Maurice Draggon said...

Hello! More information about the book can be found at:

They even have a demo that you can download with parts of the books! You can take a look, see if you like it, and get a copy all in the same place. You can also find the tutorials that we shared by looking at earlier posts on this blog. If you would like a specific tutorial on using Google Docs let me know! I have no problem creating one to fit what you need!